Workplace Coaching
At the Crescent Practice we provide workplace and career development coaching.

This can help individuals to build an internal capacity to problem-solve in the moment, build confidence to come up with the right solution to overcome issues they are experiencing, or perhaps setting career developments goals for the future.
Benefits of workplace coaching
Finding purpose, clarity and passion in daily work life.
Coaching is shown to have a powerful, positive impact on self-confidence, wellness, and work performance at which ever stage you are in your career. When a manager receives professional coaching, their team members also benefit from the mentoring, leadership development, and coaching culture the manager brings back into the organisation.
Personal benefits of workplace coaching
One crucial way coaching helps individuals is by helping them to see themselves more clearly. A coach provides space and structure for the reflection that is necessary for learning and growth. They help you understand what your values are and where your actions diverge from your values or stated goals. Coaching can help you reconnect with what you love about your life and your work.
The benefits can be immediate but continue to pay dividends over the years, from role to role, over the course of a career and a lifetime, including:
- Self-awareness
- Resilience
- Collaboration
- Self-efficacy
- Communication
Organisational Benefits of workplace coaching
All employees can benefit from supportive coaching whether they are taking on a new role, developing direct reports, or informally influencing their teams. When employees are happy, feel supported and competent, and have a sense of belonging, there are human benefits and organisational benefits. Organisational coaching can work with teams, however, when coaching is on a one-to-one basis, the teams can also improve in key areas, including:
- Empowers individuals
- Increases employee engagement
- Improves individual performance
- Deeper level of learning
- High employee commitment
- Increased wellness and satisfaction which leads to less time off sick